Ultimate Leather escalates your leather madness and announces the most comfortable online shopping for you. Our all items are made with top-quality material without any doubt. But in some cases, people place wrong orders that would prefer not to claim. In the case of carelessness from our side, gives a choice to exchange the item. We appreciate return product should be in the very same condition wherein it was delivered, alongside the original packaging with labels and protective stickers attached.

We make sure our customers choose the correct size. We also recommend double-checking of measurements through email.

Before choosing the RETURN & EXCHANGE option we appreciate to email us at info@hawksapparel.com.pk or call at +92 322 5985081

Following are the policies of Ultimate Leather, simply ensure the clauses while returning and exchanging our items.

The return is only accepted when our customer support provides the return address

Return postage will be paid by the buyer

Return from Karachi could be dropped by the customer at our Korangi warehouse

Exchange of size is also possible

Return and Exchange policy is only valid up to 3 days from the date of delivery

Custom size & design are non-refundable

The jacket should be returned in the same new condition. No damages and removal of tags would be entertained. Damaged jackets will not be accepted.

Cost of shipping would not be refunded in case of mind change or wrong size selection or shipping cost would have to be paid by the buyer.

Our Customer Service is always available to answer your queries regarding orders, returns, or refunds. We offer 24/7 services first time in Pakistan. So, no need to worry about your return & exchange. Feel free to contact us at the above-given number and email address. Ultimate leather is an online store and provides the solution to your all fashion-related queries. We have one of the best customer support teams.

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